12/10/18 | Meeting Summary
General Meeting:
During this meeting we started off by talking about what we hope to do in the weeks to come. Since we our last speaker cancelled on us, our Coordinator talked about a few of the other speakers that he hopes to bring in. Additionally, our social chairs ran a quick brainstorm for ideas for a winter social event. In the past, we have normally had mini-lessons and modules on topics such as leadership and public speaking; however, recently, we have not done much of that. Consequently, we talked about seem ideas that we hope to go over and start to talk about more. Some of the ideas that members had were: continue on leadership and public speaking, speech writing, body language, and entrepreneurship. For the remainder of the time that we had, we worked on posters for the New England Organ Foundation and Agape.
Board Meeting:
During the board meeting, we started off by talking about how we wanted to structure the general meeting with the poster making. We then talked about opening up the website’s blog up to the group for writing; going forward, members can submit work that the Vice Presidents can then post. Additionally, the social chairs mentioned that they plan to host a winter social event in January or February.